Maybe One Day I’ll Write A Masterpiece
Maybe one day I’ll write something great. I don’t know about you, but as someone who writes, I always feel like I could have said something better or that maybe it could have made more sense. I write because I want to express myself, but there is always the question: What is good enough?
However, I don’t like to get too tangled up in this question, because frankly, I don’t know. My own words are not as magical to me as other people’s words. Sometimes I think it is better to stay quiet or that I am trying too hard. But if I think this way or any other person thinks that way, then we’re not going to create anything. And the truth is maybe a lot of the work will just pass or will just be “alright”. It’s going to scream in your face your weaknesses and the endless points you need to improve on. The amazing plethora of great works out there will intimidate you. Woah, there are a lot of big brains out there, enchanting poets, fiction geniuses who will be out there as a standard to look up to. And maybe for most of your life, you’ll just need to read and write and stay humble and work consistently on what you have to truly say to the world. You’ll have to reevaluate your words days on end and filter that mind and heart to actually say something that might mean something.
The struggle is, you have to keep going because maybe just around the corner you’ll have something truly erupt. You have to keep going because it matters to you and is your way of connecting to yourself. I write because I know how powerful words could be and how it has helped me live in more ways than I could count. One day, the fucking masterpiece might finally come just like that. One day, maybe I’ll have enough substance and understanding to impact people’s minds and hearts in a big way. If not, then I’ll keep on writing because, well, I like writing.