Nobody Has Ever Made This Offer Before: I Am Paying People Back If They Read My Book
I want people to read my book that just launched. Everything in here helped me survive when I was ready to kill myself. Helped me thrive. I believe in the message more than I believe in making any financial benefit from this book. My desire is that the message helps people. Below is the first page of the book, detailing the offer I’m making.
As far as I know I’m the first person to ever make this sort of offer to readers. [Note: Claudia begged me not to do this].
(“Choose Yourself! – be happy, make millions, live the dream” by James Altucher. Foreword by Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter)
From the first page of the book:
I don’t need to make a dime off of this book. The ideas in the book have already made me wealthy in many ways. What I really care about is that as many people as possible read this book and understand this message, even if it puts my own personal investment at risk.
Here’s how I’m going to try and create a situation where as many people as possible get this message:
I know nobody values books—or anything—that are given away for free. So, I’m not going to do that. This isn’t one of those ineffectual self-help books designed to look good on your shelf. You either read the book and use these ideas, or you shouldn’t bother. That’s why you have to front the purchase price. But, if you can prove to me that you have actually read the book, I will give you your money back. It’s an investment that’s all upside on your part.
How do you prove to me you’ve read the book? Do the following:
Within the first three months of the official publication date, do these two things:
1) Send me a copy of the receipt to There is a kindle version, a paperback, and an audio version and they all cost different amounts. I need to know what you paid.
2) Then chose one of the following to send together with the receipt:
– You can write an honest review anywhere you want.
– You can take a photograph of yourself reading the book.
– You can write me a testimonial or an email asking me questions that show you’ve read the book.
If you can think of other ways, that’s fine too. The point is: prove to me you read the book, and get your money back. Or, you can tell me to give it to a charity. This is the charity I will give it to: WomenForWomen International.
I’m a man of my word. If every single person who buys the book takes advantage of this opportunity, then I will lose money on it (since Amazon takes their cut). But I’ll be just as happy because it means the message will spread and you, the people who read the book, will be helped.
I know I was helped. This book has worked for me.
I chose myself.