A GIF Guide To Procrastination
Ah, Procrastination
We are all susceptible!
It’s Friday Night And You’re Out Having A Blast
Not a care in the world. Just straight ballin’!
Suddenly You Remember That Huge Paper
Ohhhhh Shit.
But You’re Not Worried, Though
It’s only seven pages.
When It’s Due In 6 Days There Is Still Plenty Of Time
So, drink up!
Four Days Later And You Haven’t Even Created A New Document In Word
But Time Is Running Out
But you work best under pressure.
You Realize The Paper Is Due Tomorrow
PANIC sets in.
How Are You Going To Finish!
It’ll take a straight up miracle.
No Matter How Hard You Work, Nothing Makes Sense
Wait what am I SAYING? Are these even words?
Writer’s Block Sets In
Tears of pain.
The Clock Is Ticking
Maybe you can ask for an extension??
Because This Is Just Too Hard!
Why didn’t you major in something easy like everyone else?
There’s Only One Way Out
If you take a quick 3 hour nap you can wake up and really pound this thing out.
6 Hours Later, You Get A Brilliant Idea
Your thesis finally comes to you!
It Is So Good
You’re definitely getting an A!
Seriously Though, This Thesis Is EPIC
You can hardly believe your own brilliance. Where on earth does it come from?
With This New Sense Of Purpose And A Few Hours To Go, You Work Hard
You even turn off Gchat.
Because Focus Is Key!
You’re on fire/Adderall and avoid all contact with the outside world. Things are starting to look good.
You Need Focus Because You Wouldn’t Want To Go Off Course
Especially not with such little time left!
Always Keep A Few Snacks Nearby
Because you’re going to need fuel. But only grab snack foods like chips, fruit snacks and crackers — just until you finish this last little part.
Wow — There It Is. You’re Done!
You can’t believe you did it!
You should feel proud! Even if you turned the paper in at 11:58 p.m. At least it’s in, amirite?