A Series Of Things I Think About (That I Hope Others Do Too)
By Valaniece
- He doesn’t even know I exist.
- I wonder if other people stalk my Instagram the way I stalk theirs?
- I’m tired of being strong.
- I write so I don’t kill people.
- I’m an excellent third wheel.
- I have such a hard time falling in love.
- I want to know if you ever dream of me?
- When I’m thinking of you I tell myself you are too.
- Young MC is a genius
- I’m so pretty.
- Am I pretty?
- I hate you.
- If me and Jimmy Fallon were the same age, we’d fall in love and it’d be amazing.
- I’m sure of it.
- He’s way out of my league.
- Being single is the most amazing thing in the world.
- Being single is the most horrible thing in the world.
- What does she have that I don’t have?
- The Dark Knight is overrated.
- I swear I’m illiterate sometimes.
- I miss you.
- I don’t feel bad about what I did and I feel like I should feel bad.
- What if?
- I’m not sure how much longer I can keep this bullshit going?
- Men brag about sex the way grandmothers brag about knitting.
- How did I get from there to here?
- I got lucky.
- That guy is gorgeous, he definitely didn’t look at me.
- I’m scared and I don’t know why.
- I can wait.
- I’m sorry but I can’t let them know I’m sorry.
- It’s time to get my shit together.
- Her butt is nicer than mine.
- I regret that.
- I wish I could go back to then.
- Damn, that was a really good comeback, why didn’t I say it before?
- I really hate myself sometimes.
- Whelp, it’s been a good run.
- I love you.