A Short List Of Things To Be Proud Of Today, No Matter Who You Are
By Alicia Byers
Sometimes people forget that small accomplishments are still accomplishments. So if you did any of the following things today, I’m proud of you, and you should be too. Give yourself a pat on the back for both of us.
If you opened your eyes this morning. (Which you obviously did if you are reading this.)
If you got out of bed. (Doesn’t matter for how long.)
If you drank some sort of liquid. (Doesn’t matter what it was, what matters is the attempt.)
If you ate some sort of food. (Again, it doesn’t matter what it was. An attempt happened.)
If you showered. (Even if “showering” was just washing your face.)
If you put on clean clothes. (Yes, even if it was pajamas.)
If you cleaned up one tiny mess or got rid of one tiny piece of clutter. (Even the smallest clean spot can bring us peace of mind.)
If you answered a text today. (Wow! Look at you go!)
If you answered a phone call today. (Mom? A scammer that you just yelled at? A computer recording? Doesn’t matter. Good job!)
If you remembered to take your medication or just a multivitamin today. (That’s next level!)
If you stepped out of the house, even if it was just to let your dog out. (Even two seconds of fresh air is better than none.)
If you let yourself feel an emotion. (Sometimes that’s really hard, no matter what it is.)
If you did something you enjoy. (Watched TV? Exercised? Read a book? Doesn’t matter, if you got joy from it, it counts.)
If you paused, took a deep breath, or just took a moment to collect your racing thoughts.
If you celebrated the fact that you accomplished something today. (A small smirk? A full-blown party? Whatever it was, you definitely deserved it.)