Piers Morgan Is Apparently The One Person Who Isn’t Craving Any Of Beyonce’s Lemonade
I want to start by saying that I actually like Piers Morgan. Ever since his days on Celebrity Apprentice and America’s Got Talent, I have always thought that he speaks his mind and is not afraid of stirring the pot. Those are qualities that are very underrated in our very pc world that sometimes has the panache of Wonder Bread. That’s why I was shocked and appalled to read about his criticism of someone doing just that: Beyoncé.
This past Saturday, the world was treated to Beyoncé’s latest masterpiece, Lemonade. Her new visual-album features a strong storyline of black, female empowerment in a world that has continuously try to silence such discourse. Now Piers Morgan surprisingly joins those voices in his opinions on Lemonade. After reading his essay in the Daily Mail, it is abundantly clear that he prefers the “Crazy in Love” Beyoncé rather than the “Formation” Beyoncé because it puts the problems of this world squarely in front of him. He enjoyed the Beyoncé that simply “entertained for the sake of entertaining.” Well buddy, it seems our little girl grew up and she has words to say!
Now, is that a novel concept or what!? An individual that evolves and changes their opinions over time. That is something that we are all encouraged to do, but clearly celebrities are not allowed.
According to Piers, Beyoncé “has been adding a far more serious, deeply political and race-fueled tone to her work.” Well, I think Beyoncé and the world has grown more political and race-fueled than when she washed up on a beach with Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams in Survivor. Art imitates life and when you see other black people being beaten in the street for no reason, it would be hard not to be affected by that image. Those are images Beyoncé is making us watch and consider.
I think the most troubling part of his diatribe was his statement that he felt that the images of the mothers of Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin “smack[s] of shameless exploitation.” Their use was a ploy on the part of Beyoncé to sell more albums. Did he just say that Beyoncé needed to stoop to gimmickry to sell albums? This is the same woman that dropped an album and aired a special on HBO with little to no press. This is a woman that does not need any cheap tricks to make her point.
Piers ended his column by saying that he “…preferred the old Beyoncé. The less inflammatory, agitating one.”
He prefers the Beyoncé that chased the music charts and the most important concept she talked about in her music was how she could upgrade her man (“Upgrade U”). Well, this new Beyoncé has an opinion and she seeks to use her platform as Queen to leave a lasting legacy.
I always appreciated the way in which Piers Morgan always got the last word on his eponymous CNN talk show. Well, I think that he should remember that a black woman is also allowed to have the last word and cause as much discomfort as he causes his guests.