Are You Ready To Love And Be Loved Within Your Current Relationship Status?
Single, seeing someone, dating, serious relationship, engaged, married, separated, divorced, and widowed basically cover all of the bases of relationship status. All of us fall into a category that defines a part of “who we are” regarding the romantic aspect of our lives. But if we take a step back, we can realize that much attention and focus we place on these labels can cause us either a great deal of harm or good. This depends on our perspectives on how we personally feel at present and how we feel about the person that is currently sharing a part of our life’s journey alongside of us.
Being married for someone can be one of life’s greatest blessings whereas another may believe it to be a life’s prison sentence. Being single for one may be their answer to freedom yet for someone else it may be what keeps them trapped under lock and key. When a relationship dissolves, it may feel like the end of the world or the start of a new day. As life presents various opportunities for personal growth—interpersonal relationships are in fact what creates such possibilities for discovery…only if we choose to capitalize on their value.
There are many times that we feel, think, and believe one way only to be proven wrong by another person, circumstance, and “life unexpected” that reveals a whole other challenge or path to follow. But what actually determines the success in any type of relationship—especially one that is romantic, is based upon the degree in which we are ready to love and be loved. This sounds so obvious, but why do many of us think of it as being so difficult, fear laden, or too much effort and work? Even the most self-assured, successful, and poised individual has moments of second guessing their worth and the value of their partner.
There is no set way to love and be loved as we have our own unique “guidebook” to our hearts and minds — yet many of us have yet to write, read, and comprehend it. How can we possibly expect another to love us and for us to love them if we in fact haven’t clarified 1.) the love we have inside of ourselves 2.) our openness to give and receive love 3.) what it is we want, need, and are willing to accept and not accept.
Once we make the conscious choice and follow through with our actions, we can allow ourselves the possibility to accept the beauty of discovering love. It can grow, take shape, and evolve inside and outside of us as we become vulnerable without the fear of rejection. No matter what our relationship status is, we can learn to navigate it wholeheartedly and give others the opportunity to navigate it, too. If someone or something feels good and easy, let it be and let it grow at its highest potential. If someone or something feels bad and forced, let it go and let it dissolve…for it is standing in the way of love well deserved.