Found Someone’s CD Collection On The Sidewalk

Have you ever seen a 1,000 CD Case Logic lying on the sidewalk? It’s upsetting. It’s like finding a corpse: someone made this, someone raised it, loved it, fed it, enriched it and, in return, was enriched by it. And now it’s lying here, unzipped, its contents spread over the sidewalk…

What Facebook And Stalin Have In Common

On December 2nd she said she couldn’t come on the ski trip; on December 4th you said you loved her; on December 12th you sent her a picture of you on a snowboard; on December 15th she said she needed to talk; after that there are no more messages; that was two years ago. Yes, I remember — thank you, Facebook. Would you like to send her a message? Well, not anymore.

My First Open Mic

After a few minutes’ wait, they close the door, sealing everyone into this tiny black box and creating the overwhelming sense that something horrible is about to happen, and then it does: the participants start going up.