University Of Secluded Children: What It Was Really Like Being A Black Student At USC
I propose that if black students were represented more on campus, then there would be more conversations concerning issues that affect our demographic of people.
I propose that if black students were represented more on campus, then there would be more conversations concerning issues that affect our demographic of people.
“Slow down, mister, I don’t really understand.
Are you black or what? Cause my pops says being black
Is bad, but you don’t sound that messed up
So I’m just wondering, are you really black or
Are you something else?”
I also recognize that it is virtually impossible to find meaningful results by “hugging the fence,” or remaining neutral to any given issue in the world, anyway.
It doesn’t take too much to notice that there is limited access to essential resources in lower-income groups that other classes have had the privilege of experiencing over time.