iPod Sociology

Whilst my observations in London are by no means a scientific study, I have found myself trying to hypothesise why people would have stopped using their iPods. Music has not lost its popularity, despite Rebecca Black’s best efforts, and Apple is still experiencing great levels of commercial success. So far, I have come up with four depressingly viable possibilities.

Tramp Chic – An Empowering Style Guide for the Apathetic

Consequently, the pleasures I had once elicited from high-capitalism began to wane. My wardrobe existed as a pseudo-shrine to a younger self. In a time of flux, change and updates, I felt a deep sense of self-satisfaction knowing that I could make at least my clothes last.

Lessons in the Quotidian: Small Talk

First, be willing to acknowledge that small talk is a conspiracy. Nobody explicitly ‘enjoys’ it. There are no pleasures to be elicited from it. Small talk functions as a way to affirm your willingness to tolerate the existence of other human life in what should unquestionably be your universe.