I Never Should Have Loved Someone Like You
You made me weak when I wanted to be strong and you made me cry when I wanted to smile.
You made me weak when I wanted to be strong and you made me cry when I wanted to smile.
I didn’t want to end my life, I wanted a new life.
He didn’t break my heart, you did.
The heartbreak is like no other
Is it selfish to hold onto someone you know is hurting you because you can’t stand to watch them walk away?
You may have loved someone with everything you had, but it was nothing compared to how you felt with someone that you’ve only known for a few weeks.
I’m not just taking the first man who shows interest in me. I have standards, and that’s why it’s fail after fail, because I so desperately want love but I want the right love.
You see, grief isn’t an easy or a fast process.
Society says that I am not a real woman if I can’t conceive. Society says that I am worthless unless I have children.
Nobody told me what it was like to lose a baby and the emotional turmoil you go through when that occurs.