15 Helpful Reminders For Anyone Who Is Healing After A Bad Breakup
You have to trust in the healing process and know that one day, without you realizing, the heaviness will finally be gone.
You have to trust in the healing process and know that one day, without you realizing, the heaviness will finally be gone.
Your body does best when it is nourished and loved.
Remember that someday you will look back and thank them for letting you go. If they don’t want to be with you, they’re doing you a favor by telling you the truth.
Be proud of who you are. It’s not an easy journey and you are incredibly brave to keep returning to the root of your truth.
Big love develops slowly, but somehow we never have to doubt it.
If you’re anything like most people, the idea of making a substantial life decision gives you a great deal of anxiety.
The most important thing you can do is focus so intently on who they are inside that they themselves forget to worry about how they come across on the outside.
She was a product of an era that encouraged children to dream big and shoot high, but which gave them no clear path that enabled success.
Find what makes you want to jump out of bed and get into the thick of things.
I keep thinking that I must want too much. I must expect too much. If I don’t, then why do I feel like no one can possibly give it to me?