What I Won’t Tell You When You Ask About Me

I’ll tell you many things, but what I won’t tell you is what’s going through my mind when my racing thoughts keep me up at night, or how certain words are enough to send my stomach doing backflips.

The Love I Ran Away From

You were the one I wasn’t expecting. You didn’t catch my eye like others do, instead you caught something more personal – you caught my heart.

When You Lose Your Job, And Have No Idea What’s Next

Losing your job and security is terrifying, but uncertainty is also. It’s time to embrace it, to not only change my path, but to embrace the not knowing. To become comfortable with just walking ahead and facing whatever challenges come my way. 

I Want To Get To Know You

I want to know if I can help you accomplish your dreams and reach your goals. I want to know if there’s a role for me in your life.

A Thank You To My Best Friend

You don’t know what a beautiful person you are, how lucky people are to have someone as honest and challenging but caring and loving as you are in their lives. You don’t know how lucky I am.