Grief Is Eating Me Alive
Grieving feels like being tangled up, suffocating, choking on your own emotions. It feels like a wave, a tsunami of unknown and uncertain. It feels like falling through space with nothing familiar to land on.
Grieving feels like being tangled up, suffocating, choking on your own emotions. It feels like a wave, a tsunami of unknown and uncertain. It feels like falling through space with nothing familiar to land on.
Love is to be held in the palm of your hand and marveled at. Love is to be shared and given freely. Love is to be cherished; to be in awe of.
Polyamory is hard as fuck and, in my opinion, absolutely worth it.
Goodbye to brewery hopping. Your grandmother. That first moment I finally noticed you when you gently touched the bottom of my foot. Summer at the shore. Ice cream, beach, family weirdness.
For many of us, resiliency is a quality that we need to work on – continuously.
I will never lose sight of who I am. I will never get lost in another relationship – of any kind.
And now, here we are. Living lives that are separate and apart; we are no longer a couple.
I am free.
“How could anyone not fall in love with you?”
I have found my power; it was inside of me all along.