Forget Your 20s, Turning 40 Was The Best Thing To Have Ever Happened To Me
The year I was sort of dreading became one of the best years so far.
The year I was sort of dreading became one of the best years so far.
Today is the future you thought about last year.
While I’m an extremely positive person, it’s in those quiet, late-night moments that my brain loves to obsess over the negative and often breezes over the positive.
Take the job that gives you the best experience and leverage that experience later to get the pay jumps you deserve because you’re a rock star who knows your stuff.
“Perfection is just fear in good shoes.”
Age is such a funny thing to me. When we’re young, we wish we were older. When we’re older, we wish we were younger.
Over the past few years, I’ve learned that the tools I created and used as a little girl were not only helpful, they were necessary. They kept the bad guys out and kept me safe. But those same tools are the ones that were causing me to avoid love, seek solitude, and feel the safest when I was fending for myself.
I can’t help but feel like my energetic cup runneth under. That my creative well has dried up. That my inspirational rocket ship suddenly lost fuel and is coasting on fumes. When did my rocket ship become a cruise ship?