A Letter To Anyone Haunted By Not Being Believed
The burden is not yours to carry, but you carry it anyway.
The burden is not yours to carry, but you carry it anyway.
We are all spiritual beings looking to love and be loved, to listen and to be heard, honored, respected, and treated with compassion. Hold out for the one who is willing to read ALL the pages of your story.
Instead of celebrating the commercial aspect of Mother’s Day her people should have checked on her mental health.
We finesse our way through our day only to fall apart at night silently, alone, and isolated.
Dating is about finding the right chemistry and going with the flow.
How much grieving am I going to do as an adult regarding things that happened as a teenager? The grief is not empowering nor productive for me.
No matter what kind of crisis you’re having, the answer is the same: look within.
How can we responsibly live a life we love without sabotaging every would-be experience before they can begin?
These laws protect no one.
When you streamline your commitment to loving yourself so much that no one can shake your peace, I promise you’ll be able to discern who is in your life to love you for you and who is in your life to take from you.