This Is What Travel Really Means Because It’s Not Just Jet-Setting And Instagrams
It’s feeling frustrating because your hearts in multiple places, it’s knowing you’ll probably never see the friends you made again while traveling.
It’s feeling frustrating because your hearts in multiple places, it’s knowing you’ll probably never see the friends you made again while traveling.
If you were born during the New Moon you can stop your life from falling apart by learning how to be more empathetic towards those who don’t share your love for knowledge and who may not understand things that are obvious to you.
If you were born during the New Moon what you need most to succeed in life is constant curiosity and knowledge. Focusing on growth and development as a person will help you continue to better your mind.
Stop spending all your time in your comfort zone. You do NOT grow in your comfort zone, you don’t better yourself or challenge yourself.
You are the only one who can make your life better.
You are still going despite the shit life has thrown your way. All those times you thought you should just give up because it would be easier? Well, you didn’t. You’re still here and you’re kicking ass.
Introduce yourself, ask her some basic filler questions, laugh a little and then ask her for her number or to hang out. It might feel weird, even a little tricky but hey, you do what you got to do sometimes and you never know where it’s going to lead you.
It’s time to accept that some people will settle. That some people are happy with ‘good enough’. That some people would rather settle for shitty love than be alone because being alone scares them more than a mediocre love.
You’re choosing to stay stuck instead of moving forward with your life. Everything in life is a choice. You make thousands of decisions every day. You have the option to stay stuck in the shitty situation you’re in or you have the ability to move on and move forward. That’s all on you.
You die a little inside every time you see your dog do something cute.