Monica Should Have Chosen Dr. Richard Burke Over Miss Chanandler Bong
Even though no one asked me, welcome to my TED talk.
Even though no one asked me, welcome to my TED talk.
Are you someone who waits until the last minute each year to figure out what to dress up as for Halloween?
I’m sorry for the times I left you out in the car. Especially in the summer.
It’s 5 on a Saturday night. You have spent all day in front of Netflix and no time in front of a mirror. Your hair looks like Bernie Sanders’ mid-speech and it is unclear if you were in a fight or if your makeup is just smeared from the night(s) before.
Start choking and get up to get a drink. Interpret this how you like.
When I wake up in the morning, my iPhone 7 (yes, 7—times are hard) is the first thing I reach for.