The Science Of Spirituality: 7 Studies That Prove Being In Tune With Yourself Changes Your Life
Happiness is a collective phenomena: our emotional states are driven and created by those whose energies we are “open” to.
Happiness is a collective phenomena: our emotional states are driven and created by those whose energies we are “open” to.
It takes guts to say “this is not the life I wanted… so I’m going to start over again.”
Sure you have to pay the bills, and sure there are only so many hours in the day, but take time to doing whatever it is that flows naturally: writing, painting, singing, swimming.
You are very cautious as to who you spend time with, and who you willingly give your attention to.
It’s less of a status symbol.
You’re not worried about fitting in anymore, you sincerely don’t want to be “normal,” and you sincerely do not care about being “cool.”
Be the kind of person who actively, consciously seeks out the loving, kind parts of even the most undeserving, unkind people.
You want people to know about everything you’ve accomplished, but you have no idea how to communicate it without either underplaying it or sounding like an ass.
Posting a photo of doing something makes you happier than actually doing it.
Believing that you’re “meant to be” with someone does not make it so.