Top 10 Trendiest Names For Your Cat
7. Witch Baby Why not name your cat Witch Baby?
7. Witch Baby Why not name your cat Witch Baby?
“Do not listen to this man. He’s scared. He’s full of hatred.”
This video shows a guy giving up the internet and technology for 90 days and loving it. But how can technology be an aid to mindfulness rather than a hindrance?
You can take a few beers out of a sixpack and just buy those, you don’t have to buy the whole sixpack.
Date Four is when your neuroses become painfully apparent.
Here’s a selection of funny jokes from this British dude’s Tumblr.
A lack of funding and thus a lack of competitive pay for teachers means there will be large class sizes, less high-quality teachers, and the teachers who stick it out will be forced to use formulaic, dumbed-down teaching strategies in order to insure good test results on unhelpful exams.
During orgasm or when looking at a photo of a lover, there is a surge of dopamine and norepinephrine.
The six things I could never do without I’m positive I’m “doing without” all 6 things I need at this moment, apart from food and water.
Dr. Culligan hopes the app will help reduce men’s insecurity regarding penis size.