The Whinerati Needs To Stop Whining About Art, IMHO
I secretly believe some people just want to complain about things until they go completely hoarse or die, whichever’s first.
I secretly believe some people just want to complain about things until they go completely hoarse or die, whichever’s first.
It is ludicrous to approach writing honestly (and thus, unflatteringly) about the self as if it were the same thing regardless of context and genre of writing.
Tumbl’ing is like redecorating your apartment several times a day or changing your wardrobe constantly.
It’s true, man. Das Racist, the world’s preeminent post-meta rap group, has called it quits.
Are meggings the inevitable follow-up to the ubiquitous skinny jeans?
Is this a good reason to break up? Do you like her coat?
A treasure trove for fans of the cult TV series.
The show has been a lightning rod for angst about privilege as well as a critical and commercial hit.
Posted Sunday on YouTube, it’s already approaching 3 million views.
Innovatively douchey stuff.