I’m Done With Thinking I’m Not Enough
We must push our own knowing out into the world. Through small and simple and excruciating efforts, we must show ourselves how enough we are, how we are more—so much more—when we do not hold back
We must push our own knowing out into the world. Through small and simple and excruciating efforts, we must show ourselves how enough we are, how we are more—so much more—when we do not hold back
The reality is, having one last talk with our ex is rarely ever a wish for one last talk.
When we do not admire ourselves, we do not seek a partner who we can admire. And so, we wind up forfeiting admiration for what is comfortable.
I want to have love for what is real and actual, not for the perfect me, but love for the natural me, for the whole me.
Harboring disappointment in ourselves can often feel like the one constant in life. It’s always something, you know?
That’s the kind of women we’ve been. We’ve made a romance out of our own differences, out of our own disillusionment and denial.
if you can understand your feelings, you can be prepared to defend yourself against them ever overwhelming you again.
Maybe I have been rejected. But maybe I’ve also been let go. Maybe I’ve also been freed.
They are solid. These men are consistent in character. They are loyal to themselves. To their word. They are transparent with themselves
The pain I’ve endured is part of our story. Why would I forget that? Why would I need to forgive it either?