The Best Books I Read In March
I honestly think we wouldn’t have mass shootings in America if everyone read this book.
I honestly think we wouldn’t have mass shootings in America if everyone read this book.
It was a Real Housewives month for me.
Something about drinking at a hotel bar.
I’ve tried to do 30 day challenges before, but I’ve never been able to stick to it through the end before Adriene helped me think about it this way.
The line is that he still keeps her shampoo in his shower in case she wants to wash her hair.
To clarify, yes I am embarrassed about writing a story about a Taylor Swift song.
“I was basically the perfect candidate for DBT even though my actual diagnosis was only depression with a bit of an eating disorder. (I say “only” and “a bit” like this wasn’t absolutely ruining my life. I was going to die. LOL.)”
I just want to feel like it is okay for me to be the person I am and not someone else. And I want you to feel like it is okay for you to be you, too.
I think I have the best life anyone could ask for.
Every day that I don’t walk around a beautiful lake is not a failure.