The Surprising Benefits Of Nostalgia

About a decade later, scientists still didn’t know better and went searching for a “nostalgia bone,” thinking they could identify a physical cause for the sentimental feelings of days past. During the two World Wars, “nostalgia” remained a common medical diagnosis among wayward soldiers who tried to abandon the front.

Why We Need Humanities Majors

Many now view college as, at its essence, only a conduit to a good job, and if you say you’re studying painting or photography, someone is bound to roll their eyes, certain that you’re only biding your time until you’re allowed access to your trust fund.

The 11 Ingredients For A Perfect Night Alone

Writing in a journal versus on your blog or as a Facebook or Twitter update will not only allow you to go deeper and write more, it will permit you to be entirely truthful and open about your thoughts.

9 Ways To (Pretend To) Be A Writer

Post statuses saying you’re “Doing a little writing” or “Not going to let this third act problem get the best of me. Pushing forward!”