What You Can Learn From The View From Your Rooftop
If there is so much magic to be found by simply sitting on a rooftop, seeing the sun from a different angle, then really, how can any moment lack discovery?
If there is so much magic to be found by simply sitting on a rooftop, seeing the sun from a different angle, then really, how can any moment lack discovery?
Nothing speaks to the state of the world’s gravest issues more clearly than the epidemic of indifference; there are certain things you should never be able to become jaded to.
If I’m unfazed by what other people think, then what’s to stop me from not only not caring what others say about me, but what I say about others?
Subway pole leaners.
You think these humans have the capacity to contain every feeling they encounter over a lifetime? No way. They would combust.
Truly, the worst disappointment is to fear disappointment so much, we abandon hope and passion.
The ups are followed by downs and vice versa, everything seems fickle. We make progress, we seem subconsciously linked with a perpetual inspiration, and then, before we know it, we find ourselves once again uninspired.
We’re a convenient generation, and so we’ve forgotten the simple satisfaction that can come with making an effort.
A young man serenades the train; he sings Frank Sinatra’s “Love” and he’s not very good. But he has a positive energy. It makes me wonder if I pause enough to appreciate all the bravery in the world.
I cannot stress enough the magnificence of trusting yourself in feeling and in outcome.