Why Religion Should Be Like Netflix
If there was a Yelp account for “Human Existence,” I’m pretty sure the top-rated comment would be something like this:
If there was a Yelp account for “Human Existence,” I’m pretty sure the top-rated comment would be something like this:
At least he knows he’s stupid, unlike Alec Baldwin, who persists in trying to force people to imagine him as a thoughtful, reasoned intellectual.
From the driver’s seat, everything in the car looked and felt different. I felt the constant churning of the engine in my ample backside, I could anticipate the
changing of the traffic lights for the first time, and a sense of power washed over me.
I love Morrissey, but not as much as Morrissey loves himself.
Chances are, you are not an expert on the culture of your significant other. You’ve never celebrated Kwanzaa, you don’t know what year it is in the Chinese calendar, and the only Irish food you are aware of is whiskey.
Interracial celebrity couples force the general public to confront the comingling of the races. It’s incredibly difficult to ignore a social trend when it is embodied by a wealthy, well-known public figure.
The fact that society even bothers to make the distinction between what is “black” and what is “white” creates an unavoidable tension in interracial couples and their children.
My white girlfriend particularly enjoys the Pharcyde song, “It’s Jiggaboo Time.” She likes it so much that she sings along to the lyrics.
In Los Angeles, it sometimes seems as though everyone is just lollygagging to and fro with no concern for time. This reinforces the stereotype that LA is a city for the lackadaisical lookie-loo. In truth, it’s just that New Yorkers think that if they don’t appear to be in a hurry, their neighbors will think they are from LA.
Babies have been getting circumcised for decades now. The general consensus is that it’s cleaner and is more aesthetically pleasing. Now, I’m no scientist, so I can’t say if it’s really more sanitary, but I also refuse to argue with fashion.