Why We Need To Stop Analyzing Instagram Posts
We’re all entitled to our opinions, but we need to stop fooling ourselves into thinking that our opinions about complete strangers translate into fact.
We’re all entitled to our opinions, but we need to stop fooling ourselves into thinking that our opinions about complete strangers translate into fact.
You’ll soon start hearing questions about setting a date, inquiries about locations, or comments from curious folks who just want to know what you envision for your dress. Respond to these politely, but don’t dwell on them just yet.
While easy and convenient to pull up a text message thread, or to quickly shoot off an email from our iPhones, there’s something unequivocally meaningful about getting a letter in the mail that is personally addressed, stamped, and sealed.
Why won’t the girls ever just tell the police?
Regardless of whether this particular issue is one of reinvention or censorship is almost moot because the key is this: attempting a different take on an older work is only successful when those behind it understand why it was successful in the first place.
“Ladies and gentlemen, in the interest of time, we’ll only be hearing 8 bars for your audition.” The. Worst.
Even though we know what happens at the end, we can’t help returning to the beginning time and again: This is how it’s done in Orange County.
But we would be kidding ourselves if we didn’t admit that time is limited, and tricking ourselves into believing there’s always a “someday” for every last dream is foolish.
These are girls you’ll be able to do everything and nothing with; you’ll go on 16-hour road trips down the east coast; you’ll lay outside in the sun in silence.