15 Things That Happen When You Work With Your Best Friend
Any time you’re assigned to a work project, you silently hope that you’ll somehow be assigned to work with them.
Any time you’re assigned to a work project, you silently hope that you’ll somehow be assigned to work with them.
Lest you think 5% of the population is ganging up on you, don’t worry — vegetarians judge each other for some of these things, too. Because everyone’s just the worst.
[Wait patiently for someone to notice and mention the haircut]
Funny, I never thought of myself as strange. I knew I wasn’t foreign. Why would a word — an arbitrary word, an innocuous word, just a word, just letters and sounds — make me so uneasy?
Being realistically aware that there is only a finite amount that I’m capable of ever learning doesn’t mean that I don’t have a long list of things I hope to learn — there are so many, and these are just a few.
If you’re told you can’t take a working vacation, you have a minor fit and wonder whether using your precious vacation days is even worth it anymore.
Think of the responsibility! Think of the patience! Think of the ability to bring in treats for your coworkers just because!
It might not feel like it now, but there will always be another crush, another job to apply for, another raise to ask for, another dream to chase. That’s how the world works.
Having someone rely on you is as gratifying as it is sweet. But only initially. There’s only so much they’ll be able to do either on their own or with you.
Being two seconds off from your best mile time — or worse, being thirty. six. freaking. seconds off a race P.R.