28 Little Things That Are Perfect About New Love
You find them genuinely interesting. Really interesting. Like, they could recite Socrates in the original ancient Greek to you and you’d listen to every word.
You find them genuinely interesting. Really interesting. Like, they could recite Socrates in the original ancient Greek to you and you’d listen to every word.
I can’t believe you’re out of the game. It’s like Picasso not painting, or Bruce Willis not combining action and rock harmonica.
Being able to laugh is one of the greatest things we can do as humans, and we should do it more often (but less at the expense of other people).
You will have to learn to forgive yourself, even when you slip up—especially when you do—because the extra shame incurred in starting from scratch will only tie you down.
Luck is making the plan up as you go along, in hoping that the forks you take and the decisions you make are the right ones, but you still have to make those choices on your own. You still have to work really hard.
You live with the constant fear that today might be the day when you’re supposed to be in the office but you’ve forgotten.
“Christmas has come early!” the Grinchy-somethings cried, for living on listicles and shattered dreams will make you dead inside.
It is normal, I think, to want to be happy, and to feel sad sometimes, and to constantly question the things you do and the choices you make. That’s part of being human and having free will. But that is as far as normal gets anyone in this world.
I could hear a lone violinist playing Noel on a nearby street in the crisp night air, and I missed you the way most broken hearts miss their fractured pieces: most of all, at Christmas.
If you have roommates, don’t clutch the pearls when it’s their day of the week to dance around in their underwear. When you sign a lease with a person, there is an unwritten agreement that you will be okay with the sight of them without pants.