Instagram As My Ill-stagram. Do I Out Myself To The World As ‘Chronically Ill’?
I’d probably be better off not losing myself in Instagram before bedtime.
I’d probably be better off not losing myself in Instagram before bedtime.
5. Throughout the day stop and check if you are internally (or externally…) talking to yourself as you would to someone you love.
7. You never, ever, ever show up at another person’s house without bearing a gift. Flowers are always a safe bet. Go with flowers.
You check behind the shower curtain before showering, and when you see the coast is clear, you feel dumb that your heart is racing.
Taking good care of yourself is challenging enough when you have adequate time, resources, and energy, but the thought of staying on top of things during stressful times like the Thanksgiving-New Year stretch can seem laughable.
2. Smell a rose.
Hitting that note in the shower and hearing it reverberate along the ceramic or chanting “ohm” in a group yoga class and feeling the energy of your unity fill up the room.
1. Don’t tip them. Gold star for customers who order a $32.00 brunch at a coffee shop for their entire family and leave the tip line blank. You just spent an absurd amount of dough on well, dough. You can absolutely afford to tip.