Stop Holding On To Who He Was Supposed To Be
Either embrace who he is, or let him go
Either embrace who he is, or let him go
I am the one who society would have blamed if I never made it home.
Life is absolutely unpredictable.
She is extra sarcastic, just for you. If she likes you, it probably annoys her, so she tries to push you away with her less-than-kind sense of humor. She has to keep her guard up.
I will never forget, no matter how hard I try.
Help others, and in turn, help yourself. The only way to keep anything is by giving it away.
I hope you’re happy. I hope you’re just so enthused with your life.
Having anxiety is bad enough, without physically wearing it in self-induced bloody tick marks and bruises on your skin. Not to mention, bloody nails and fingertips, or a bloody chin from picking at bloody lips.
I hope you wish you had fought harder, or at least given me a reason to stay.
It’s all I have left of you now.