When Masculinity Fails Men

‏It’s been an interesting week for talking about masculinity. To start with, ABC’s 20/20 aired a story about the Manosphere and the…

The Fear Of Being “Invisible”

When I wrote about the Hollaback Project’s street harassment video, the comments section was deluged with men insisting that they’d love to…

How Porn Is Different From Sex In The Real World

Culturally (western culture in particular), we’re brought up to think of sex as something that’s supposed to be private and intimate, strictly between two people — preferably with a strong emotional connection. In practice… well, not so much.

The Myth Of What Women Want From Men

We already have the majority of culture catering to our interests as men; it seems only natural to assume that everything is about us. But it’s that “man”-centric view that causes so many dating issues.

Invisible Victims: Men In Abusive Relationships

As is frequently the case with male victims of rape, male victims of domestic abuse are often told it’s “not that bad” or that they “must be ok with it”; after all, they could always defend themselves against the “little lady,” right?