10 Reasons You Should Never Own Stocks Again

The best way to take advantage of a booming stock market is to invest in your own ideas. If you have an extra $50,000 don’t put it into stocks. Put it into yourself. You’ll make 10,000% on that instead of 5% per year.

The Ultimate Guide To Your 20s, 30s, 40s, And 50s

“Owning a home” is the “college” of the thirties. A 15 trillion dollar mortgage industry hypnotizes society into thinking that “owning a home is a smart investment” or you “need roots.”

How to Tell a B- Story

I scratched my back until it bled. And I never stopped. My back right now is a bloody Jackson Pollack painting. A bathtub of blood. Doctors don’t even touch it. Very attractive. My best feature maybe.