9 Essential Practices To Help You Cultivate More Peace In Your Life
8. Develop a simple ritual that trains your brain to allow peace
8. Develop a simple ritual that trains your brain to allow peace
Beyond that, there is a call here to every single person out there and that is a call for more expansive love and compassion.
Come to LA for the sunshine and the beach, never go to the beach because TRAFFIC.
Instead of fleeting, future happiness that I strain for, I choose everyday joy, everyday passion, and everyday love.
The more you think about these quotes, the more confused/angry/annoyed/irrationally uninspired you will become. I’m sorry, but also, you’re welcome.
If you don’t have a favorite pen, then GTFO.
Your local bros and former high school jocks are loving this time to get drunk, yell at a television screen, and claim that America is the best at everything.
The only void left to fill is the one that is telling you that you have to earn the right to love yourself.
Compassion is the new judgy.
Your scars become your battle wounds, the identifying markers of a life well-lived.