There’s So Much To Love About The Mindy Project
The best part about The Mindy Project is what doesn’t appear on screen.
The best part about The Mindy Project is what doesn’t appear on screen.
This is my skin, and no one wears it better than me.
I understand that the issue is emotionally and psychologically complex, and it’s hardly ever as easy as “Oh girl, just leave him.”
In your first job, after the honeymoon phase wears off, the awful reality that you have to show up every day regardless of whether you are tired, hung-over, or PMS-ing will eventually set in.
It’s impossible to please everybody. And even if it was possible, we shouldn’t try.
Ladies and gentlemen there is no meal service on this flight even though it is 5 hours long, but we do have packages of 1 and a half crackers and 2 M&M’s on sale for $16.50 should you choose to purchase a snack.
When you Mommy-jack my social media, or express your judgment through being utterly flabbergasted that I don’t want children, you damage our independence as women.
Enterprise crew member Lieutenant-Commander Geordi LaForge is technically handicapped: he’s been blind since birth. But he didn’t let that stop him from moving up the Starfleet ranks from Ensign to Chief of Engineering.
If you cook regularly, try your hand at a dish you’ve never made before; be it difficult or exotic. I’d choose some kind of cephalopod because even saying that word is hard.
Thank you for your ability to put up with weeks of the saddest display of heartbreak, need, guilt, anger, hatred, and fear that you’ve ever seen outside of an episode of Mad Men.