11 Songs That Make My Album And What They Mean To Me
Most would agree, the Album as an art form seems to be less and less in fashion these days. People like to listen to their faves single to single.
Most would agree, the Album as an art form seems to be less and less in fashion these days. People like to listen to their faves single to single.
When the teasing and laughter would eventually die down, the inevitable question would arise: “Jeff, what DO you want to be when you grow up?”
I am happy to say at long last the war on Marijuana is finally just about over.
A rat will eat itself if gets hungry enough now won’t it?
Grace didn’t remember my mom, but I wonder if my mom would have remembered her.
Grunge is a misnomer born out of hype and little else.
It is funny how people react to the name of a band, a lot times without even hearing the music first,…
I used to see this old man in my neighborhood. He always wore high wads, a hat with a fuzzy brim and ear flaps with patches of hunter’s orange, Fargo Chic if you will.
There has always been an element of escapism in popular music, that desire to lose oneself in a nice melody, a groove or a vocal hook with no real purpose in the words other than to carry the tune.