‘Revolutionary Road’ Isn’t Richard Yates’s Only Good Novel
Ranking Revolutionary Road and Yates’s 6 other novels.
Ranking Revolutionary Road and Yates’s 6 other novels.
I wonder about the one who worked at the League of Women Voters and who had tattoos all up on her arms.
Maybe my wife will have such good hair that she’ll make it up for the both of us.
Here’s another thing I fear I won’t be able to remember later, who smiled the most, a silly thing, though very important.
Being “gay,” that was synonymous with social anathema.
Men will say, “I just don’t think you and I are right for each other,” when really the man means to say, “I think I could find someone that’s more attractive than you, so that’s what I’m going to do now.”
In a long, drawn-out email, I defended myself from all the real and/or imaginary faults I believed she silently leveled against me.
Life without Facebook, there’s a reason for it. Well, there used to be a reason. There was girl or maybe there was a boy and maybe he got married or maybe she found a new girlfriend.
Because you’re nothing if your short story about a bear eating a steak with a golem in downtown Manhattan hasn’t had 50 Favorites and you’ve gotten that gold star from the website that gives out gold stars.
It is 2007 again and the one with curly hair is on my mind.