That Time I Auditioned For The Bachelor
Note to self: I should have added at the top of my Bachelor commandments thou shall try really, really, hard to not say exactly what I’m thinking out loud.
Note to self: I should have added at the top of my Bachelor commandments thou shall try really, really, hard to not say exactly what I’m thinking out loud.
2. Entering the subway station going downtown when you need to go uptown.
Gmail saves everything.
7. WebMD is always at the top of your browsing history.
Memories are odd. They come and they go as they please. And sometimes, when we desperately try to remember something, like a person’s name only seconds after meeting them, it feels seemingly impossible.
It takes patience and time and even relapsing every now and then to realize how we’re going to become the better version of our darling selves.
We spend four years taking tests that challenge our noggins to memorize lines from textbooks and spit it up onto scantrons. Now, in order to seek freedom and in order to dazzle hiring managers some more, we need to ace another test?
Whenever I move to a new city, one of the first things I’m attracted to is the idea of joining a gym.
Yo. You’re hot. That really you in those pics? Hope you not Catfishin’ me.”
Twerk (n., v., adj.)