When You Rely On Your Friend Instead Of Your Significant Other

What this all boils down to is the fact that as well-intentioned as they may be, your friends when so heavily relied upon end up creating an artificially comfortable atmosphere where you’re vulnerable to feeling like ‘things are okay again’ enough so that you stay with The Person.

The Two Types Of Guys That There Are

They think that I am smart and/ or pretty and/ or cute and/ or fun to be around and/ or chill and/ or tolerable but mostly because they either aren’t looking for more than a brunette who is conscious or someone who fits the freakishly-detailed but completely bloodless list they made for themselves when they first started ‘seriously looking.’

5 Rules For Becoming An Acceptable Modern Woman

You should basically just flaunt your employment up until the moment you meet a man with borderline-income-replacing capabilities and then forget about yourself and your career progress entirely.

The Different Types Of Feminists There Are

Angry Feminists believe in equality but hate lots of women—basically anyone who is pretty, wears heels, or laughs a lot. Actually, a large part of Angry Feminist culture is the rejection of feminine things for the sake of rejecting feminine things.

Snapshots Of Being In Love With You

When I realized with conviction that if you left me today that you will have left me a better, happier, more complete person than you found me.