This Woman Spent A Full Week Dressed According To Her Zodiac Sign
She ended up loving some of the pieces — but not all of them.
She ended up loving some of the pieces — but not all of them.
Capricorn: Show them a picture of your dog on your phone and then casually transition into asking them to add their number to your contacts.
If you aren’t someone who believes in ghosts, her videos might change your mind.
They asked regular people (and a professional astrologer) to guess the zodiac signs of complete strangers.
If you suffer from anxiety, you might need to get creative when it comes to finding ways to calm yourself down.
Planning and taking a vacation to a place you’ve never been. It’s one thing to be brought along by your friends or parents, but actually being the one in charge is a whole different ballgame.
Maybe you would feel more comfortable with the lights off. Or with music playing. Or with the windows shut tight.
Just because a girl is skinny doesn’t mean she considers herself perfect.
When you’re having good sex, you’re going to feel good about yourself. You’re going to become more comfortable with your naked body. You’re going to learn to love yourself more.
Don’t make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.