An Aspie Will Make The BEST Friend Once You Get To Know Them
It doesn’t matter if you come from a different background than them or have different beliefs, because as long as you have a kind heart, they won’t care about the rest.
It doesn’t matter if you come from a different background than them or have different beliefs, because as long as you have a kind heart, they won’t care about the rest.
In the middle of speaking, you might forget how to finish your sentence. You might lose your train of thought and completely forget what you were even talking about in the first place.
They prove that, when it comes to making quality content, kids can be even more creative than adults.
“Until Dawn was pretty fucking well done. At times it was like they were trying to hard, but over all one of the best horror anything I’ve played/watched/read.”
“Tried to kill someone and had an out of body experience during it. I’m not exactly faithful but I think something stopped me.”
“I listened to her screaming as she burned alive while the witness wailed and tried to pull her from the window. She did not survive.”
“My partner and I received a 911 call from an old woman having a dispute with someone. We get to the house and she says she’s alone. We say who are you having a dispute with? She says, ‘Oh just this spirit in one of my rooms.'”
“It is a very small goblin-like monster with claws, big head, pointy ears and sharp teeth. Those who have encountered it claim they had to carry the monster until morning as it jumps on the back of the poor guy and refuses to get off until morning.”
“He had killed his parents and stabbed his dad in the chest but that wasn’t killing him quick enough so he started stabbing his leg. Then after he killed him, he ripped out an eyeball, and was playing with it while on the phone with a friend, telling him how it felt squishy.”
Instead of dealing with your issues, you drink to forget about them. You cheat to forget about them. You run away to avoid dealing with them.