The Corpse Of Wall Street

The first time I caught him swallowing a fistful of pills, he convinced me that they were vitamins.

My Love Affair With Super Mario Bros. 3

Inevitably someone runs out of lives and the game’s over. You’re exhausted, defeated, your eyes are crusty, your ass is numb, your joints are stiff, your voice is hoarse, your thumbs have calluses, and despite the fact that there’s a “pause” button, you’ve been holding your bladder for three hours.

The Stories Our Furniture Tells

As I pushed into middle school, cheap jewelry and passed notes filled the drawers. Come high school, enough make-up splatter covered the surfaces to fill a Pollock canvas.

I’m Pretending You’re Still Alive

And today isn’t the eighth anniversary of your death, it’s just December 10 and it’s snowing so we’re going to play in it before it turns to city slush. And you’re going to carry me home when my socks get too wet and my toes turn to stones.

The Line Between Life & Death

It was the something anniversary of Mike’s death. I’m not exactly sure which, because it always feels like 100 years and last week.

A 2013 Love Story

His light eyes were just faintly green but striking through a mop of honey-brown curls sprouting from his tanned brain-case. He was smiling, but not too much.