6 Easy, Non-Drastic Ways To Change Your Look For Fall
Did you know that nude/taupe blush looks incredible on a ton of skin tones? No, probably not, because you’re stuck wearing your NARS Orgasm peachy-pinks all year round.
Did you know that nude/taupe blush looks incredible on a ton of skin tones? No, probably not, because you’re stuck wearing your NARS Orgasm peachy-pinks all year round.
You were books of poetry and tortoise shells (you paid too much for them at the antique store) and cigarette butts scattered on the ground outside your house.
Based on the “golden ratio,” her facial measurements are perfect.
Gravel is tricky. It’s always changing. You never know if it’s going to support your wheels or slide them and jerk them around.
I always eschewed this idea. I thought you made your own fate. I thought that every action has a reaction, and that the things you did were up to you.
Fill up your gas tank instead of putting $10 in at a time.
People you love are not supposed to hurt you. That’s the rules of love. Love is supposed to keep you safe, happy, all swaddled up like an infant.
Sometimes, when I feel the crunch of gravel under my wheels for the first time in months, I stop the car on the road.
Cleaning out your closet sucks. It especially sucks if you’re a borderline shopaholic with frenetic, eclectic taste like me. I mean,…
1. How to take a good butt selfie.