What Summer Is Like
When you’re young and broke and living month-to-month in some rental close to your friends, you give up the central air conditioning of your childhood.
When you’re young and broke and living month-to-month in some rental close to your friends, you give up the central air conditioning of your childhood.
I fall into their arms immediately, throwing my body over the car seat and plunking down right in their laps, hands all over the place in the frenzy of heat and passion that sometimes sparks over a drink or three in a dark restaurant corner.
Watching cats have sex on YouTube. Did you know you can do that? It’s weird.
I bought my hot-pink Juicy suit in March. I am 26 years old.
They leave their half-sipped Starbucks on the floor.
“Summertime when it’s hot and I have a little summer dewy glow. “
Nothing we’d ever done together was innocent. We’d go on to do worse.
I will never tell you you made a mistake. I think you know it on your own terms.
Why not find a cute vintage dress, spend a little more and have it altered perfectly to you, and wear that as often as possible?
Growing up on a farm binds you to the land in a different way than kids who grew up in town.