The Time You Were By My Side (Even Though I Never Asked You To Be)

You’re never going to know just how much it meant to me that day you came unannounced to support me. You’re never going to know that you being there put my perspective back into its rightful place. You’re never going to know that I never really thought that I could care for you to until I saw you sitting there, waiting for me so patiently. You’re never going to know how much I owe you for your modest kindness.

Childhood Habits I Can’t Let Go

“Being an adult” means less to me the older I get. I haven’t noticed much difference between childhood and adulthood, really. I mean, I’m bigger now, I get my period, I can drink alcohol and make non-instinctive decisions (that doesn’t mean I always do), but there are some parts of me that are so intrinsically childlike I’m not sure I’ll ever “grow-up” entirely.

Things You Need When You’re Sad

Your world is falling apart around you, sort of like that scene from Inception where Juno is learning to build and destroy environments. You’re reverting to your most petulant childish self in response, because when the going gets tough, the tough sometimes take a while to kick-start. If you’re anything like me, here are some of the things you’re going to need to get you through.

How To Cry Like A Weirdo

If you cry like a weirdo (the way I do), you probably don’t cry when really awful things happen, but instead become blank and empty and go into damage control overdrive, organizing absolutely everything and being there for everyone else.

The Friend Zone Sucks

You meet someone of your preferred sex and you like them—I don’t mean in the OMG YOU’RE SO HAWT I JUST WANT TO TOUCH YOUR GENITALS WAY either, I mean, you actually like them in the OMG LET’S HOLD HANDS AND MAYBE LATER LOOK INTO EACH OTHERS EYEBALLS MEANINGFULLY sort of way.

10 True Things As Sung By Usher

The most profound of Usher’s wisdom is his total disregard for haters. Haters are going to hate; Usher says it’s your decision whether or not you’re going to absorb that hate or discard it entirely (hint: it’s probably better if you discard it. Also, always be sure to wear a collared shirt, so you can pop it dramatically when said haters are hating).

The Time I Saw My Whole Life Flash Before My Eyes

Before I could get out of the way he violently shoved me down with two hands against my chest. As I fell, two things happened—the wind was knocked out of me entirely and the back of my head hit the concrete with a loud crack. For a second, everyone went silent, even the group of chanting men who had now surrounded us.

Some Questions I Have About Lana Del Rey

With all the hype surrounding Lana Del Rey right now there are a million and one questions rushing through my brain, primarily–is she a fairy? When “Video Games” moved something inside me, I was all like, “Yeah, I bet she’s totally a fairy.” Here are some more questions that have crossed my mind.

How To Love A Boy

Give him a break. He’s not that guy you dated two years ago who cheated on you and lied about it. He’s someone different entirely; so don’t tar him with the same brush. Maybe he will cheat on you too. Maybe he won’t.

Why You Are Wrong For Me

See! Lots of reasons why you’re right for me, based on what I’m looking for in a partner (and what I assume you, too, are looking for, because we’re so similar in many ways), and these are only the wingtip of the lovebird—I could go on but I don’t want to bore you.