5 Things A Dumpee Should Remember
If you have been dumped more than once, you’re probably asking yourself why you keep drawing the short stick.
If you have been dumped more than once, you’re probably asking yourself why you keep drawing the short stick.
Whether you’re a professional bathroom singer (such as myself) or a quiet by-standing alcoholic, the karaoke bar is a must-see, at least once.
College can either be the best years of your life, or the “meh” years of your life. It sure as hell can’t be the worst years of your life. But if you find that it’s the latter, then you’re probably doing it wrong.
It wasn’t enough to remind myself to breathe. It wasn’t enough to stay busy, or to find something to look forward to in the coming weeks or months.
You are worth coming back for — scratch that, you are worth staying around for — and you know it in your gut.
2017 is going to be great. You know it, I know it, and everyone knows it. But right now, 2016 could really use some hope too.