TIME’s Worst Person Of 2017 Is That Fucking Guy

You know. That Fucking Guy. He tweeted a thank you to the women who confronted him about his sexual assault allegations, he lives on Reddit, he’s probably in a basement somewhere right now. That FUCKING GUY.

People Watching On A Saturday Alone

I want to at least attempt to look like I belong here — like, ohhh, yeah, another Netflix premiere? I am at one of these things at least four times a month.

Welcome To Third Wheel Rehab

Hello and welcome to Third Wheel Rehab! We are basically like a spa for people who have spent the last several months (or years!) perpetually third wheeling their couple friends. Let’s soothe those nerves because now you know that dating is a mistake!

Being Crushed By A City

I am in a different city, and it’s fine, but I wonder if it’s bad that I’m always just thinking about the other one.