I Wanted Flowers, You Gave Me Bullets
When I heard the gunfire from outside of my bedroom window at 1:43AM I was not shocked or surprised.
When I heard the gunfire from outside of my bedroom window at 1:43AM I was not shocked or surprised.
I spent my father’s final day on Earth with him.
No wonder kids from broken homes are often so confused.
A drug that makes you feel good for no good reason? Seemed like cheating to me.
After the initial shock wore off, I became angry with him.
Last Saturday, fast-food workers held a convention in Villa Park, Illinois whereby they voted to unionize and collectively demand a $15 per hour wage.
It’s unlikely that Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton would have been as popular as they were had LBJ never been elected president.
I don’t understand why there is such hate on the left for a successful, independent woman who was an anti-racist, pro-choice, atheist critic of the Vietnam War.
Long before YouTube, your local public-access TV station was the only outlet for original homemade video content.
Entering the dining room where a reception was being held for the new initiates, I overheard a group of Master Masons talking about sacrificing a pig on an altar. That freaked me out a little bit.