The Beautiful Truth About What Happens When You Choose To Fall In Love With Yourself
As I basked in the warmth of self-love, I resolved to never again habitually deprive myself of the love I deserve.
As I basked in the warmth of self-love, I resolved to never again habitually deprive myself of the love I deserve.
Valentine’s Day. For some people, it’s a celebration of love and romance. For many others, it’s the dreaded “Singles Awareness Day.”
For the first time, I realized that in order to improve my mental health and garner hope for the future, I should remain open and honest about my struggles with mental illness, particularly on social media.
In professional settings, the responsibility of speaking about medical conditions in a neutral, edifying way should not fall exclusively on the client. It is the medical professional’s duty to use language that does not promote harmful, ableist stereotypes.
The perfectionism. The feelings of inadequacy. The desire to self-punish. My lifelong, complicated relationship with my appearance.
The moment I first watched my experiences as a person with cerebral palsy reflected back at me through the media was a powerful validation.
As you frantically pray to any God who will hear you in your desperation, you are struck with a resounding gratitude for all that surrounds you
The most powerful way to quell the darkness and rediscover the light this holiday season is to stay.
In 2018, it’s time to face the harsh reality of new beginnings.
Your thoughts are so blurred that they are indistinguishable. Only one nagging thought remains.