5 Ways For Screenwriters To Bring The Rom-Com Back To Life
Rom-Coms have slowly fallen out of grace with Hollywood. As the scripts got worse and more formulaic, audiences grew tired of them — and so did actors.
Rom-Coms have slowly fallen out of grace with Hollywood. As the scripts got worse and more formulaic, audiences grew tired of them — and so did actors.
Screenwriting contests have become the ultimate way to penetrate those thick studio walls.
“Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.”
You have to ask yourself what kind of show you’d like to create and where you see that type of show debuting.
My first memory of childhood was of a gold-plated, metallic, humanoid figure walking through barren sand dunes with the seemingly endless…
what is the perfect present for that dear person you know that just happens to be a screenwriter? We scoured the stores and the internet to find not just the most desired gifts that screenwriters would appreciate, but also those memorable ones that keep on giving.
What can we learn from Jedi masters, a scoundrel turned hero, alien beings, droids, a farm boy from the desert planet of tatooine, a princess, and beyond?
Luck is an integral part of success in Hollywood, or often anywhere in life. But we don’t have to be a slave to it. We don’t have to sit by the phone, waiting for it to call.
As screenwriters venture deeper and deeper into the waters of movie studio development offices, agencies, and management companies — after years of trying to break through and finally seeing some attention — it’s imperative that they are prepared for the meetings, the conversations, the emails, and more important, the terminology.
“A man (or woman) should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.” Discover the story, don’t just try to emulate what has come before it.